Life’s Better in a Group

Maybe you have heard the phrase before, “Life’s Better in A Group.” At Christ Community we really hold this as a high value. One of our core values is fellowship as we believe that we are better off together than we are alone. Imagine a world of isolation and loneliness, well, most of us don’t have to actually imagine it, we lived it for most of 2020 and 2021. Being forced into isolation really woke up our world to the need we all share, the need to belong, the need to be loved, the need to be connected. This can’t happen without intentionality! What we all discovered through this time is that when we are not in meaningful relationships with others who share our values and morals, we begin to suffer from loneliness, worry, fear, and many other struggles that come as a result of trying to live on our own. When Paul established the church in Acts, he did so with the expectation found in Acts 2:42:

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. (ESV)

The church is about being together! The church is about living life on mission, together! The church is about sharing meals, praying, connecting, and studying the Word of God! The church was created to be a simple solution to our greatest needs as humans.

At Christ Community we offer all types of groups because we believe they are key to building significant Christian relationships, as well as growing closer to God. In Groups you can ask questions and hear how other people are living out the gospel. Several years back we went to a group model primarily because we wanted to offer a whole lot of different ways for people to connect. This is why we have large groups that meet on Wednesday nights and small groups that meet at all times throughout the week both on campus and in homes around the area. Here are a few simple next steps if you are looking to join a group.

  1. Learn more about groups on our groups page.

  2. Check out all of the groups that are currently being offered on Church Center!

  3. Fill out the Join A Group form.

  4. Reach out to our Connections Pastor, Jana Michaelsen, with any questions.


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