The Annual All Church BBQ

Our Fall Ministry Season will start with our Annual All-Church BBQ on September 8th. The day starts with combined worship in the sanctuary at 9:00 & 10:45am. Then following the services we will have a free BBQ lunch, bounce houses, fun games, activities, ways to get connected, a cook-off (chili, cookies & cupcakes), and more. This multi-generational event is designed for everyone at Christ Community and we can't wait to celebrate the new ministry year with you.

The Cook-off

Do you have what it takes to win this years cook-off! We are looking for the best CHILI, the best COOKIES, and the best CUPCAKES! We know that this will be a hard fought, heavy weight competition, so sign up now and bring your best to the Annual Church BBQ on September 8th!  Reach out to Dustin DeVriend with any questions and please bring enough to share


River Baptism


Backpack Drive Overview