Jonah Church-wide Study

Starting January 7th we will embark on a 6-week journey through the book of Jonah. We are calling this series Jonah: The Heart of An Evangelist. Did you know that the vast majority of our own city is unchurched? While that may not surprise you, research suggests that 82% of people would go to church if asked, but very few Christians are willing to. It seems that Jonah had this same challenge. He knew that God would save Nianevah. He didn’t want to even ask. While we don’t see the unchurched as our enemies, especially in the same was Jonah saw Nianevah, an invitation goes a long way to partner with God in the work He is doing.

Barna Group recently published several studies that point to an overall increase of openness to the Gospel of Jesus and spirituality over the last several years. So what are we doing to reach those in our areas of influence with the message of hope? What can be learned from Jonah?

Pastor Ryan wrote this as an intro to the series and to give us something to dwell on:

“When was the last time you were given a task that you just did not want to do? Maybe there was a project around the house that you kept putting off. Maybe your boss asked you to do a report that was going to take way too much of your time. Maybe you had to go meet with someone you were trying to avoid. We all have moments like these, but what if the one who was asking was God?

The reality is that God calls us to do things that are hard or challenging all the time. The Bible never says that being a Christian is easy. Jonah got a job that he had no interest in doing. He was called to go to a Nineveh and preach to a people who honestly, he just did not even want to be around! Jonah decided to try and run the other way but God decided that this task was too important to let Jonah off the hook. God got his attention in a big way and a nation was transformed as a result of his obedience.

God has a similar call for each of our lives. We are to go into the world and make disciples. God wants us to tell people about Jesus. This won’t always be easy. The call is to be a witness to everyone in our areas of influence. Sometimes we will want to run just like Jonah. Other times we will feel like we are not prepared. We might even feel like some do not deserve to hear the gospel message. However, our job is to love others by sharing our faith with them.

For the next 6 weeks we want you to journey with a group through the book of Jonah. While we look at his story and the stories of those around him, we will ask ourselves where our hearts are at. We will be challenged to grow in our relationship with Christ and to share Him with as many people as we can.”

Several months back I had a dad from my soccer team really convict me about my own willingness to invite people to church. He came to Fall Fun Fest with his son and I ran into him at the event. In a very straightforward and honest way he said to me, “we live down the street, you work here, and you didn’t even tell us about such an amazing event? We found out about this at school!” My response was simple, I am so glad you are here, but talk about convicting! I honestly didn’t know how to respond, but it did stir my heart to begin thinking of ways that I can be more intentional with inviting people to experience the love, acceptance, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ through the local church. Our world is wanting hope and God is using the Church to share the good news of the Gospel. Will you join Him?


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