Lead Pastor Process Q&A

Lead Pastor Ordination and Installation Service

February 2nd at 5:00pm in the MP Room

Join us to celebrate Ryan Balbi being installed as our next Lead Pastor. We will gather for a time of worship, install Ryan as our next Lead Pastor, and ordain him as a Teaching Elder in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Afterward we will share a light meal in celebration of our next steps as a church. We hope you will be able to join us for this special event, please register if you will be attending.

Congregational Meeting

As we continue the Pastoral Discernment Process, we have arrived at our next step. Please join us on January 5th at 12:15pm in the MP Room to hear an update from our Pastor Search Team. If you are a member of Christ Community, you will be given the opportunity to vote on Ryan Balbi becoming our next lead pastor. We look forward to seeing you there!

Lead Pastor Process Q&A

1. Where are we at with the Lead Pastor process?

On Wednesday, August 28th, the Pastoral Discernment Team’s report was emailed to the congregation: “We, as the Pastoral Discernment Team, formally recommend Ryan Balbi to the Presbytery for ordination and installation as Lead Pastor of CCC.”

You can read their full report here: Click Here

2. Is Ryan now our Lead Pastor?

No, there are several more steps that will need to happen.

3. What are the next steps?

Now that the Pastoral Discernment Team has recommended Ryan as our next Lead Pastor to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) Presbytery, there are several groups who join the process. First, Ryan will be interviewed and vetted by our Presbytery’s Ministerial Committee. They ensure Ryan is qualified and fit to be a Teaching Elder and Lead Pastor in an EPC Church. If they approve, then the Pastoral Discernment Team will request that a Congregational Meeting be called. At that meeting, Christ Community members will vote to approve or not approve Ryan as our next Lead Pastor. If Ryan is not approved by Christ Community members, the Pastoral Search Team will go back to the beginning and start an external search process. If Ryan is approved by Christ Community members, he would then attend the next Presbytery meeting held in October 2024 or January 2025. The Presbytery Meeting is a gathering of Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders who at this point would examine Ryan to ensure he is qualified to be a Teaching Elder and Lead Pastor in an EPC Church. If the Presbytery approves Ryan, they will set a date for Ryan to be ordained and installed as the next Lead Pastor of Christ Community.

4. Why are there so many steps?

Christ Community is a part of the EPC denomination and believes that being in a covenantal relationship with other like-minded churches is important. The EPC has a specific process for potential new Lead Pastors to be ordained and installed. This process helps ensure Lead Pastors are trained and equipped to properly lead an EPC church and that the respective congregation has a voice in the process.

5. What is the timing?

These steps could be completed over the next couple months, but it is a very tight timeline. If there are any delays during any of the above steps, it could take until February 2025.

6. How can I ask further questions?

We would encourage you to attend the Pastoral Discernment Team Information Meeting on September 15th at 12:15pm in the MP Room. Ryan will also be available for questions during this meeting. Light refreshments will be offered and if you need KidCare, please register here: Click Here

We also ask our congregation to continue praying for where

the Lord is leading Christ Community in our next season together!

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

Colossians 4:2


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