Year end Giving
Christ Community Church Family,
As we conclude 2023 and celebrate the arrival of Jesus, Immanuel God with Us, during this Advent season we have so much to celebrate at Christ Community Church.
We have witnessed the Lord transform lives and raise up fully committed followers of Jesus through Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness. This year we celebrated 21 individuals being baptized and 30 new members who joined the church. This fall our Youth and Children’s Ministries hit a new record since the pandemic with 154 kids being discipled twice a week. Additionally our 36 adult groups had 506 participants throughout the week.
That’s 660 opportunities every week for the Good News of Jesus to transform men, women, youth, and children! One way we are called to celebrate and give thanks is through our giving. We are reminded of the Wise Men who modeled this in Matthew 2:11:
“And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.There’s further significance to the gifts the Wise Men gave, but the simplicity of this verse shows they worshiped the Lord with their treasures.”
As we head into 2024, let’s be like the Wise Men and worship the Lord with our finances to ensure Christ Community Church stays financially strong. Our goal is to continue the mission of being the very presence of Jesus Christ in Carmichael and raise up fully committed followers.
We can accomplish this by collectively giving $350,000 in December. If the Lord’s people built a Tabernacle during their exodus from Egypt as they were on their way to the Promised Land, then we can accomplish our financial ministry objectives during this season of transition too!
As you prayerfully consider your year end giving to Christ Community Church, may you rejoice in this Advent season of what the Lord has done in your life, and respond with generosity and open the treasures the Lord has given you.